QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Mobile Town Hall Gersheim

    Administrative staff spare elderly, disabled, and ill rural citizens visits to the authorities

  • An artists' village as power plant

    Artists are developing aesthetic models for energy production that are fuelling debate about green electricity in the country

  • “Theater Altes Hallenbad” in Friedberg / Hessen

    Citzens restore an art nouveau pool, turning it into a cultural venue

  • “Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project

    Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture

  • “Lively learning about the country” teaching concept

    Teaching at farms, male and female farmers get young people interested in country life and work

  • NatuRaum – the innovative tech lab in the country

    Young people from cities and the country learn how to tap nature for successful inventions

  • CLAAS-Telekom industry 4.0 in agriculture

    Mobile radio and sensor technology make farmers' work easier

  • Standardized communication with the M2M Teledesk

    Agricultural equipment used on farms and in fields is coordinated via a central platform by mobile radio

  • entia - good things that smile

    An online shop has created a sales platform that can be used by workshops for people with disabilities throughout Germany

  • acs – competence centre for cost efficient production

    Suppliers, higher education institutions, and municipalities in the country jointly promote the development of innovative car parts

  • Children's academy in a rural region – art instead of TV

    An artist introduces village children from uneducated families to painting, photography, and music

  • KULAN - Das Leichtbaufahrzeug

    14 Firmen und zwei Forschungsinstitute entwickeln ein elektrobetriebenes Nutzfahrzeug für ländliche Räume

  • “Manufakturhaus” marketing and sales platform

    A sales and manufacturing network is heightening awareness and appreciation of regional crafts products

  • Multigenerational facilities – family help in Saxony

    In multigenerational facilities, rural families get strong support

  • “Future of the villages in South Westphalia” network

    An agency motivates people in the country to join forces to develop perspectives for their home villages

  • Young buys old – municipal programme against abandoned buildings

    A municipality helps families to buy old buildings in the town centre, preventing the area from becoming abandoned

  • “Smart Villages” research project

    Students turn a village into a field laboratory and investigate how dying villages can safeguard their future

  • OPERNALE – the opera festival in the rural north

    A volunteer opera festival tours the country and livens up the regional cultural scene

  • „Kultur gegen Leerstand“ in Zittau

    Von Theaterstück bis Filmfestival: Ein Verein belebt verwaiste Gebäude auf dem Land mit kreativen Ideen 

  • B. Braun Children's and Youth Weeks - “Research needs young talent”

    Annual research weeks stoke children and youth's enthusiasm for experimenting and making discoveries
