QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Electric citizens' cars in Oberreichenbach

    Electric cars with volunteer drivers supplements the public transport offer of a rural community

  • Arche region in the Elbe river landscape

    A region breeds threatened domestic animals and thus gives new impetus to rural life and work

  • Green Workshop Wendland

    In creative workshops, an initiative kindles the interest of young talent to work in the country

  • Mobile Town Hall Gersheim

    Administrative staff spare elderly, disabled, and ill rural citizens visits to the authorities

  • Discovery tours at a world heritage site

    A forestry graduate offers tours of natural and cultural landscapes in the Harz region

  • “Theater Altes Hallenbad” in Friedberg / Hessen

    Citzens restore an art nouveau pool, turning it into a cultural venue

  • EGON – business start-up offensive in Niedereschach

    With a volunteer mentoring program, a municipality supports start-ups, thus promoting the local economy

  • “Lively learning about the country” teaching concept

    Teaching at farms, male and female farmers get young people interested in country life and work

  • EINS+ALLES Field of Experience for the Senses, Welzheim

    In a sensory nature discovery park, people with disabilities encounter people seeking recuperation on an equal footing

  • NUR-HOLZ – solid wood elements for ecological building

    A new solid wood system enables buildings to be erected without glue and metal, using wood from local forests

  • Ideas workshop for the future of the villages of Flegessen, Hasperde, and Klein Süntel

    With joint projects and a great deal of initiative, three villages make themselves fit for the future

  • NETZ-E-2-R: interconnected mobility for the Stuttgart region

    A new system for lending e-bikes gives daily commuters flexibility and an environment-friendly mobility option

  • “Grünlandzentrum” central network

    An association brings together people who have various interests regarding usage of grassland

  • Telemonitoring for artificial heart patients

    With the help of electronically transferred data, doctors monitor patient aftercare from afar

  • Jühnde – bioenergy village 2.0

    Step for step, a rural community is becoming independent of fossil energy sources

  • Rolling doctor's office – mobile care in the Wolfenbüttel district

    Villages benefit from an unusual medical care concept: a mobile doctor's office

  • B. Braun Children's and Youth Weeks - “Research needs young talent”

    Annual research weeks stoke children and youth's enthusiasm for experimenting and making discoveries

  • RETHINK – case studies for modern agriculture

    A large-scale study brings European scientists together at one table – for more sustainability in agriculture

  • Smart Rural Areas – intelligent technologies for the future in the country

    Scientists and companies are researching intelligent technologies that make rural life easier
