QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Interkom – inter-municipal crisis management

    Fire services develop a concept together whereby they can use resources needed for disasters more efficiently

  • PriMakom – teacher training in a network

    In an Open Science project, teachers and scientists work together on modern forms of teaching

  • Moin refugee app – digital guide for refugees

    A free app gives refugees practical tips for taking their first steps in their new home country

  • Essen packt an! Citizens' network for social commitment

    From an emergency situation, a citizens' network was created whose members help socially deprived people in their city

  • Journey around the world in the living room - a project promoting international understanding

    Immigrants invite people to their homes and talk about themselves and their native countries

  • Knowledge Workshop Saarbrücken: experience technology - grasp technology

    Children and young people of various origins discover their technical talent in a learning workshop  

  • Kulturschlüssel Saar – initiative for barrier-free cultural pleasure

    A cultural programme enables handicapped people to experience events live and for free

  • ChancenNutzer – support on the way to autonomy

    An educational programme supports and creates networks among young immigrants who want to start their own companies

  • Startup Teens – an online platform for young entrepreneurs

    An online initiative brings together young people and entrepreneurs, who prepare the former for their own start-ups

  • Little hearts - crisis network for severely ill children and their families

    An expert network assists severely ill children and their families in crisis situations

  • Integration initiative "Saar business helps refugees"

    Regional economic organizations jointly advertise for training and hiring of refugees

  • Refugees cook for homeless people

    Together with volunteers and companies, refugees cook their own recipes for homeless people

  • Future city Lüneburg

    Students, administration, and students team up to shape the future of their city

  • Life Sciences Cluster Northwest – network for diagnostics innovations

    Medical researchers and developers bundle their know-how to push forward their region with new solutions

  • Robotics for SME network

    A cross-industry network pushes forward the use of robotics solutions in small and medium-sized businesses

  • European twin city Frankfurt (Oder)-Slubice

    Two cities on the German-Polish border demonstrate how a location can strengthen itself through cooperation

  • TOUCHDOWN 21 – participatory research on Down syndrome

    People with and without Down syndrome investigate the cultural history of trisomy 21 together

  • CoolFarmTool space – satellite technology for sustainable agriculture

    In the future, an online platform will analyse satellite data so that farmers can cultivate their fields more sustainably

  • Farid’s QualiFighting – learning through boxing

    Via fun in boxing, a social project is helping children to improve their performances at school

  • MIA - Girls Engineering Academy Gifhorn

    A foundation enables female pupils to build their own greenhouses and thus teaches them engineering skills
