Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Modular production – flexible production system
An intelligent production method makes care construction more economical and more flexible
Bremerhaven Reinkenheide Clinic accompanies convalescents
At a clinic, people who were once affected accompany mentally ill people in crises
Speech therapy app neolexon
A speech therapy app trains patients who have to learn to speak again free of charge
memucho – online platform for fact learning
With the help of a free app pupils and students can organise their learning material in an uncomplicated way
OpenDataCity – Agentur für Datenjournalismus
An agency visualizes online data, thus giving every user free access to complex topics
Continuum robots for surgery
Based on natural models, scientists have developed medical robots out of flexible and thin little tubes
Environment-friendly packaging Landbox
With a sustainable packaging box a startup is taking new paths in online retail
MOKLI – help-finding app for young people in need
An interactive map shows street children where they can get help
Mecuris – 3D-printed protheses and orthoses
With the help of 3D prints patients can be provided with made-to-measure protheses
Feeding cup 4.0 – barrier-free dishes
Intelligently designed dishes make it easier for handicapped people to eat and drink
Helping helpers: Humanitarian Logistics Organisation
An association helps non-profit organisations in the transport of humanitarian cargo
(B)energy – mobile biogas technology
A social enterprise is selling biogas technology via franchisees in Africa and making biogas marketable
Super single cell organisms for biomethane production
A novel biological procedure uses microorganisms to store electricity from wind and solar energy
Tactonom – tactile graphics display for blind people
The new tactile graphics display gives blind people access to the digital world
Cooperative online marketplace Fairmondo
A cooperative marketplace shows that online platforms can be oriented towards the common good
Medical containers for refugees
A video interpreting service improves understanding between doctors and patients in mobile offices
RefLinx – software for knowledge management
A start-up is developing cloud-based software that makes academic work easier
Selfapy – digital help programme for people with psychological problems
Innovative online courses help people with psychological problems help themselves
Online newspaper Amal, Berlin!
Journalists from Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iran inform refugees via an online platform
FOVEA – photo-optic surveying app
A smartphone app makes it easier for researchers to gauge the volume and quality of harvested timber