Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Business network of a cosmspolitan Saxony
A business initiative aims to strengthen welcoming culture and the integration of immigrants
Windcloud - the green research centre
A research centre obtains electricity for the first time directly from the region's regenerative energies
Bremerhaven Reinkenheide Clinic accompanies convalescents
At a clinic, people who were once affected accompany mentally ill people in crises
OpenDataCity – Agentur für Datenjournalismus
An agency visualizes online data, thus giving every user free access to complex topics
University Hospital Saarland – cross-generational palliative ward
On a palliative ward an interdisciplinary team looks after terminally ill children and adults
Integrativer Ort BauDENKMAL! Project
Refugees actively participate in the restoration of monuments in Saxony-Anhalt
Helping helpers: Humanitarian Logistics Organisation
An association helps non-profit organisations in the transport of humanitarian cargo
Medical containers for refugees
A video interpreting service improves understanding between doctors and patients in mobile offices
Cultivation of microalgae in urban areas
New space-saving facilities make it possible to breed algae as food on the walls of buildings
School Cloud
With Cloud technology digital media and learning offers are to become a fixed component of school classes
INTAKT – interactive microimplants
A network of industry, science, and hospitals is developing new interactive microimplants
AmpPot - analysis of mass attacks on the Internet
With the help of digital bait scientists are developing an early warning system for cyber attacks
binee recycling system
With a decentralised return system for electronic devices a social enterprise is promoting transparent recycling
AcListant – assistance system for air traffic controllers
An assistance system for air traffic controllers intends to heighten aviation safety using language recognition
Breeze air quality monitoring
A start-up is developing intelligent sensor networks to improve the air quality in cities and offices
Oculyze – smart phone microscope with image recognition
Smartphones become microscopes thanks to an optical module and Cloud-based image recognition software
GEAR – predicting antibiotic resistance using genetic data
With the help of genetic data researchers are developing tests to discover resistant pathogens faster