Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
National Youth Ballet – all of Germany’s a stage
By putting on performances in unusual places, a young dance company thrills rural inhabitants
Taking new paths together – residential districts geared to citizens' wishes
A rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishesA rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishes
Joie de vivre – network for dementia patients
A network of professionals and volunteers enables people with dementia to lead autonomous lives in the country
“entersocial” regional development programme
An agency helps committed people to make advancements in their village
Green railway station in Horrem
Thanks to energy-efficient environmental technology, a regional railway station becomes the first CO2-neutral train station
Dental house call service in Uckermark
With a mobile office, a team of dentists treats the elderly and people in need of care in their homes
SWW network: job perspectives for the Lower Weser region
An association has created a network of schools, companies, and businesses, thus promoting the next generation of specialists in the region
“SW Agent”: public utilities shape the energy turnaround - model-based development of new business models
With the help of computer simulation, scientists are researching how public utilities can master the energy turnaround
Regional future funds – cooperatives for energy efficiency
Energy-efficiency cooperatives enable cities and rural districts to conserve energy and thus benefit the environment
Machining training centre - careers in the country
An implant manufacturer establishes its own machining technology training centre in the country
Metropolitan area project – “Thalia Cultural Landscapes”
With readings and plays, actors transform historic buildings into extraordinary cultural venues in the country
“Culture against abandoned buildings“ in Zittau
From plays to a film festival: an association revives abandoned buildings in the country with creative ideas
“Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project
Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture
KombiBus – transport service for Uckermark
A bus company brings people and goods to their destination and puts rural supplies in the fast lane
NatuRaum – the innovative tech lab in the country
Young people from cities and the country learn how to tap nature for successful inventions
Optimized biocoal from agricultural residues
Researchers are developing a method of fertilizing fields with fermentation residue from biogas manufacture
Altersgerechtes Wohnen und Wiederbelebung der ländlichen Bausubstanz
Eine Stiftung baut Wohnungen für Senioren und renoviert die frei gewordenen Gehöfte für Familien
An extracurricular educational program imparts integrated knowledge about farming and healthy nutrition
Children's academy in a rural region – art instead of TV
An artist introduces village children from uneducated families to painting, photography, and music