Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Promotion of broadband systems in Baden-Württemberg
A private foundation helps citizens and municipalities in the country set up broadband connections
Broadband for all in Cochem-Zell
A rural district and five municipality associations joined forces to build a broadband system and push their region forward
Department store in Ostercappeln
Retailers, property owners, and local authorities are working together to keep their municipality attractive as a shopping destination
Summer flicks – cinema in the country
Featuring cinema, concerts, and culinary art, farms become country cultural venues
Electric citizens' cars in Oberreichenbach
Electric cars with volunteer drivers supplements the public transport offer of a rural community
“Bewegtes Licht“ intelligent street lighting
Dimmed lamps that light up brightly when people walk or ride past help municipalities save electricity
Arche region in the Elbe river landscape
A region breeds threatened domestic animals and thus gives new impetus to rural life and work
Medicine par excellence – mentors for budding country doctors
Country doctor mentors fuel students’ enthusiasm for the medical profession far from cities
Green Workshop Wendland
In creative workshops, an initiative kindles the interest of young talent to work in the country
Metropolitan area project – “Thalia Cultural Landscapes”
With readings and plays, actors transform historic buildings into extraordinary cultural venues in the country
FOKUS - forum of cultures and languages
A citizens’ foundation is committed to helping non-German residents become integrated in rural areas
Discovery tours at a world heritage site
A forestry graduate offers tours of natural and cultural landscapes in the Harz region
“Culture against abandoned buildings“ in Zittau
From plays to a film festival: an association revives abandoned buildings in the country with creative ideas
“Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project
Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture
EGON – business start-up offensive in Niedereschach
With a volunteer mentoring program, a municipality supports start-ups, thus promoting the local economy
“Lively learning about the country” teaching concept
Teaching at farms, male and female farmers get young people interested in country life and work
“UNSER LAND“-network
By selling local products, a network strengthens the diversity of the region and informs consumers
EINS+ALLES Field of Experience for the Senses, Welzheim
In a sensory nature discovery park, people with disabilities encounter people seeking recuperation on an equal footing
Altersgerechtes Wohnen und Wiederbelebung der ländlichen Bausubstanz
Eine Stiftung baut Wohnungen für Senioren und renoviert die frei gewordenen Gehöfte für Familien
“Regional Care” cooperative
Citizens in a cooperative promote their region’s infrastructure