QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Arche region in the Elbe river landscape

    A region breeds threatened domestic animals and thus gives new impetus to rural life and work

  • Green Workshop Wendland

    In creative workshops, an initiative kindles the interest of young talent to work in the country

  • Metropolitan area project – “Thalia Cultural Landscapes”

    With readings and plays, actors transform historic buildings into extraordinary cultural venues in the country

  • FOKUS - forum of cultures and languages

    A citizens’ foundation is committed to helping non-German residents become integrated in rural areas

  • Discovery tours at a world heritage site

    A forestry graduate offers tours of natural and cultural landscapes in the Harz region

  • “Culture against abandoned buildings“ in Zittau

    From plays to a film festival: an association revives abandoned buildings in the country with creative ideas

  • “Theater Altes Hallenbad” in Friedberg / Hessen

    Citzens restore an art nouveau pool, turning it into a cultural venue

  • Country youth Klimawald Schleswig-Holstein

    Young people collect donations to plant a new forest area in the country

  • “UNSER LAND“-network

    By selling local products, a network strengthens the diversity of the region and informs consumers

  • Altersgerechtes Wohnen und Wiederbelebung der ländlichen Bausubstanz

    Eine Stiftung baut Wohnungen für Senioren und renoviert die frei gewordenen Gehöfte für Familien

  • “Regional Care” cooperative

    Citizens in a cooperative promote their region’s infrastructure

  • Dementia flat shares – self-determined life in Bavaria

    A cooperative project furnishes residential homes for dementia patients who live in the country

  • Ideas workshop for the future of the villages of Flegessen, Hasperde, and Klein Süntel

    With joint projects and a great deal of initiative, three villages make themselves fit for the future

  • SmartRegion Pellworm

    The first intelligent electricity network enables residents to use renewable energy where it is generated – locally

  • “Grünlandzentrum” central network

    An association brings together people who have various interests regarding usage of grassland

  • Telemonitoring for artificial heart patients

    With the help of electronically transferred data, doctors monitor patient aftercare from afar

  • Jühnde – bioenergy village 2.0

    Step for step, a rural community is becoming independent of fossil energy sources

  • Regiomino – online supermarket for regions

    Regional producers can offer food via ecommerce, saving time and giving them more time for production

  • Demonstration facility for burning and fermenting brewers' grains

    Combining biological, mechanical, and thermal methods optimizes the use of brewers’ grains for energy

  • Apolda cultural factory

    A cultural centre opens up career perspectives for young creative people who live in the country
