Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
CryptoController – promoting a secure digital infrastructure
A software solution guarantees secure communication between machines on the Internet of Things
edicted. Outsourcing for lawyers
A platform links lawyers with students and law clerks and enables intelligent job distribution
Intelligent lifts
Lifts send data to the Cloud providing clues about a possible need for maintenance at an early stage
Weimarpedia – interactive cultural encyclopedia for pupils
On a knowledge platform they design themselves, pupils explain and research the cultural history of the Goethe city
Medical research insights – software solution for medical research
A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data
Open Roberta – learning programming playfully
With an open graphic programming platform, pupils gather their first programming experiences with no technical obstacles
awamo GmbH - IT for the African microfinance sector
A customised IT solution facilitates granting of loans to farmers and small enterprises in Africa
Digitised investigation of the world of bees all of over Europe
Assisted by young researchers, pupils develop beehives that are used to gather data and create networks
Digital views of the world online: 3D models of historical globes
A 3D scanner creates spatial images of historical globes from museum magazines
Mobile rescuer – smart phone-based first-aid system
Via an app the emergency call centre alarms voluntary first-aid workers and guides them to the site of the accident
Volkswagen Data Lab – Big Data for future mobility
The interdisciplinary think tank is working on future technology for Germany as a location for business
A news website provides information on socially relevant topics in simple language
SWOP team – digital charity flea market
Users can advertise objects via a flea market app - the person who collects the object doesn't pay but donates the money for a good cause
SkIDentity – electronic Identity for online services
With a new technology online business can be conducted on the move
Multi mechanisms adaption for the future Internet (MAKI)
Researchers are investigating how communications systems can adapt themselves to changed conditions independently
IT training for people in craft trades
An excellence centre enables people in crafts trades to integrate digital tools into their work
Industry 4.0 – a network leads to greater productivity
In a factory, integrated digitisation is being tested and employees are being made fit for the digital switchover
Digital mentoring programme
Young people become digital mentors and give pupils advice about cybermobbing and data protection on the Internet
HumanX 3D training simulation
Bone and organ models from a 3D printer make it possible to plan and perform operations better
Virtual reality experiments - digital physics lessons
A digital school laboratory shows how e-learning can help pupils learn physics