QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Art for the village – villages for art

    Artists and villagers free up creativity together

  • Taking new paths together – residential districts geared to citizens' wishes

    A rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishesA rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishes

  • Treptitz – joining forces for sustainable infrastructure in rural areas

    Citizens of a village join forces to make their sewage and energy infrastructure fit for the future

  • Green railway station in Horrem

    Thanks to energy-efficient environmental technology, a regional railway station becomes the first CO2-neutral train station

  • “SW Agent”: public utilities shape the energy turnaround - model-based development of new business models

    With the help of computer simulation, scientists are researching how public utilities can master the energy turnaround

  • Medicine par excellence – mentors for budding country doctors

    Country doctor mentors fuel students’ enthusiasm for the medical profession far from cities

  • Mobile Town Hall Gersheim

    Administrative staff spare elderly, disabled, and ill rural citizens visits to the authorities

  • “Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project

    Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture

  • Country youth Klimawald Schleswig-Holstein

    Young people collect donations to plant a new forest area in the country

  • NatuRaum – the innovative tech lab in the country

    Young people from cities and the country learn how to tap nature for successful inventions

  • Children's academy in a rural region – art instead of TV

    An artist introduces village children from uneducated families to painting, photography, and music

  • SmartRegion Pellworm

    The first intelligent electricity network enables residents to use renewable energy where it is generated – locally

  • KULAN - Das Leichtbaufahrzeug

    14 Firmen und zwei Forschungsinstitute entwickeln ein elektrobetriebenes Nutzfahrzeug für ländliche Räume

  • “Manufakturhaus” marketing and sales platform

    A sales and manufacturing network is heightening awareness and appreciation of regional crafts products

  • Multigenerational facilities – family help in Saxony

    In multigenerational facilities, rural families get strong support

  • OPERNALE – the opera festival in the rural north

    A volunteer opera festival tours the country and livens up the regional cultural scene

  • „Kultur gegen Leerstand“ in Zittau

    Von Theaterstück bis Filmfestival: Ein Verein belebt verwaiste Gebäude auf dem Land mit kreativen Ideen 

  • Fish-friendly dam in Schmölln-Putzkau

    A novel fish bypass protects fish when they migrate through brooks and generates energy at the same time


    On the grounds of the legendary Wacken Heavy Metal festival, young people can attend workshops that spawn rock stars

  • Textile heat storage, Grünbach

    A young company has developed a material out of paraffin threads that can store heat and cold
