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Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Art for the village – villages for art

    Artists and villagers free up creativity together

  • Wölfersheim municipality app

    An app offers the residents of a community helpful service locally and boosts local retail

  • School of Village and Regional Development Thierhaupten

    Teaching practical know-how, an organisation helps residents take their future into their own hands

  • PROGRASS – bioenergy from green waste

    Researchers are investigating how environment-friendly bioenergy can be generated from rural and urban green waste

  • Eco model Achental - federation for sustainability

    Nine rural municipalities join forces to drive sustainable development in their rural region

  • JAM – youth work in the Bamberg region

    Together with several municipalities, an association organizes leisure activities for young people in rural areas

  • “Pupils discover design” workshops

    Children are taught design at workshops across Germany  

  • “Health Creates Future” general medicine initiative

    With a welcome service and further education offers, a rural region attracts young doctors

  • Satellite technology for agriculture

    A parent company evaluates satellite data designed to help farmers to have better harvests

  • Taking new paths together – residential districts geared to citizens' wishes

    A rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishesA rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishes

  • Treptitz – joining forces for sustainable infrastructure in rural areas

    Citizens of a village join forces to make their sewage and energy infrastructure fit for the future

  • Green railway station in Horrem

    Thanks to energy-efficient environmental technology, a regional railway station becomes the first CO2-neutral train station

  • “SW Agent”: public utilities shape the energy turnaround - model-based development of new business models

    With the help of computer simulation, scientists are researching how public utilities can master the energy turnaround

  • GPS pasture management system

    An animal tracking system facilitates shepherds' work and encourages farming in mountain pastures

  • Algae biogas concept

    With CO2 and heat from biogas facilities, researchers are breeding algae as a raw material for cosmetics and biodiesel

  • “Bewegtes Licht“ intelligent street lighting

    Dimmed lamps that light up brightly when people walk or ride past help municipalities save electricity

  • FOKUS - forum of cultures and languages

    A citizens’ foundation is committed to helping non-German residents become integrated in rural areas

  • “Theater Altes Hallenbad” in Friedberg / Hessen

    Citzens restore an art nouveau pool, turning it into a cultural venue

  • “Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project

    Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture

  • Country youth Klimawald Schleswig-Holstein

    Young people collect donations to plant a new forest area in the country
