QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • innatura – online platform for brand-new donations in kind

    An online platform passes on unsellable goods in perfect condition to social organisations

  • KogniHome – the thinking home

    Intelligent technology enables the elderly and people in need of assistance to live independently at home

  • PRECOBS – software for predicting crimes

    A software forecasts break-ins and helps the police prevent further crimes

  • iversity university platform

    At iversity.org people can take online classes at the university of their choice

  • Measuring system for optimising CFRP production

    With a digital measuring and analysis system quality defects in plastics production can be avoided

  • Luther Trip virtual guidebook

    Young people guide visitors through the home of the famous reformer via a web-based card

  • Next Pool virtual power plant

    A new technology interlinks power plants to create a virtual network and makes green electricity future-proof

  • Service fascination – interactive sales concepts for dealers

    With the help of digital technology dealers can link online and offline shopping – for a completely new shopping experience

  • openHPI Internet education platform

    In free online courses, scientists make experts and laypeople fit for the digital switchover

  • RobotRecht research centre

    A research centre guides manufacturers and users securely through the jungle of paragraphs

  • DHL Resilience360 risk management platform

    By performing a risk analysis of worldwide data, a software makes international supply chains more secure

  • Intelligent lifts

    Lifts send data to the Cloud providing clues about a possible need for maintenance at an early stage

  • Medical research insights – software solution for medical research

    A software makes it easier for researchers and doctors to correlate and evaluate clinical data

  • Open Roberta – learning programming playfully

    With an open graphic programming platform, pupils gather their first programming experiences with no technical obstacles

  • Digitised investigation of the world of bees all of over Europe

    Assisted by young researchers, pupils develop beehives that are used to gather data and create networks

  • Cyber-physical equivalence – intelligent production control

    The Fraunhofer Institute is conducting research on control tools for industry 4.0 manufacturing processes

  • Mobile rescuer – smart phone-based first-aid system

    Via an app the emergency call centre alarms voluntary first-aid workers and guides them to the site of the accident

  • Volkswagen Data Lab – Big Data for future mobility

    The interdisciplinary think tank is working on future technology for Germany as a location for business

  • Website www.nachrichtenleicht.de

    A news website provides information on socially relevant topics in simple language

  • SWOP team – digital charity flea market

    Users can advertise objects via a flea market app - the person who collects the object doesn't pay but donates the money for a good cause
