QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Virtual reality platform Cross Connected

    A virtual reality platform enables industry to speed up the development of products and production lines 

  • MOKLI – help-finding app for young people in need

    An interactive map shows street children where they can get help

  • Feeding cup 4.0 – barrier-free dishes

    Intelligently designed dishes make it easier for handicapped people to eat and drink  

  • Cooperative online marketplace Fairmondo

    A cooperative marketplace shows that online platforms can be oriented towards the common good

  • Selfapy – digital help programme for people with psychological problems

    Innovative online courses help people with psychological problems help themselves

  • Online newspaper Amal, Berlin!

    Journalists from Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iran inform refugees via an online platform

  • Crisis simulation TEAMWORK

    Researchers are developing software-based training for disaster control and volunteer helpers 

  • Youth North German Philharmonic

    Young musicians stage classical music anew and make their audience active concert participants

  • aponix – vertical plant container

    A vertical plant container enables vegetables to grow in narrow confines up to the sky

  • Online help directory clarat.org

    A nonprofit organisation provides an online directory that makes it easier for people to find support

  • OSTEOLABS – research initiative for osteporosis treatment

    Physicians and oceanographers have joined forces to a develop a new method of recognising osteoporosis at an early stage

  • HygNova Medical – intelligent infection protection for hospitals

    A digital programme motivates hospital staff to disinfect their hands in an intelligent way

  • Conflictfood – food from crisis areas

    A start-up sells specialities from conflict regions to promote small farmers and peace  

  • INTAKT – interactive microimplants

    A network of industry, science, and hospitals is developing new interactive microimplants  

  • EPICSAVE emergency training

    Virtual training in their education will prepare emergency paramedics for deployment in the future T

  • shine energy managers

    An energy management system helps increase people's use of their own electricity

  • Querfeld sales platform

    A start-up sells fruit and vegetables with minor blemishes so they don't go to waste  

  • Intelligent modular system robodev

    With a modular system companies can manufacture automisation facilities for their production themselves  

  • ioxp augmented reality assistance system

    Digital assistance systems train employees step by step

  • AmpPot - analysis of mass attacks on the Internet

    With the help of digital bait scientists are developing an early warning system for cyber attacks
