QR-Code: https://land-der-ideen.de/en/winnerslist-landmarks-in-the-land-of-ideas

Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • Cable-laying technology for narrow underground power lines

    Thanks to a special laying technology for power lines the implementation of the energy turnaround can be simplified

  • Open Power System Data (OPSD) – open platform for energy data

    An open science portal gives researchers access to energy data collected Europe-wide for the first time

  • Leuphana University – sustainable drug design

    Scientists design biodegradable medicines with the help of computer-assisted processes

  • dressLife – fewer returns of clothes bought online

    With the help of Big Data a start-up wants to reduce expensive return deliveries of products purchased on the internet

  • CodeDoor programming training

    A social start-up trains refugees on a voluntary basis to become programmers and recommends them to companies

  • Educational professionals – qualification for people with disabilities

    An institute trains people with disabilities to become educational specialists  

  • HerzEffekt MV – digital patient care

    A digital platform aims to improve medical care of chronic heart patients in the future

  • Bremerhaven Reinkenheide Clinic accompanies convalescents

    At a clinic, people who were once affected accompany mentally ill people in crises

  • Continuum robots for surgery

    Based on natural models, scientists have developed medical robots out of flexible and thin little tubes

  • RefLinx – software for knowledge management

    A start-up is developing cloud-based software that makes academic work easier

  • FOVEA – photo-optic surveying app

    A smartphone app makes it easier for researchers to gauge the volume and quality of harvested timber

  • Virtual reality app for biology class

    Thanks to a virtual reality app, complex topics can be taught to pupils innovatively and graphically  

  • Youth North German Philharmonic

    Young musicians stage classical music anew and make their audience active concert participants

  • Mobile photovoltaic power plant solartainer

    With compact solar power plants a social enterprise is providing entire villages in Africa with clean energy

  • OSTEOLABS – research initiative for osteporosis treatment

    Physicians and oceanographers have joined forces to a develop a new method of recognising osteoporosis at an early stage

  • The ETA factory: energy efficenty weiter gedacht

    Researchers are testing how factories can be energetically optimised, from the machines to the buildings

  • School Cloud

    With Cloud technology digital media and learning offers are to become a fixed component of school classes

  • Nano velcro fastener for electronic components

    With a kind of grass from nano wires electronic components can be combined without soldering

  • Oculyze – smart phone microscope with image recognition

    Smartphones become microscopes thanks to an optical module and Cloud-based image recognition software
