Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Robotics for SME network
A cross-industry network pushes forward the use of robotics solutions in small and medium-sized businesses
European twin city Frankfurt (Oder)-Slubice
Two cities on the German-Polish border demonstrate how a location can strengthen itself through cooperation
Water 3.0 – innovative water cleaning method
An inexpensive filter method provides people around the world with clean water
Oskar telephone help line – assistance for critically ill children and their families
A Germany-wide round-the-clock telephone help line is available to severely ill children and their families
Agrophotovoltaics – resource-efficient land usage
In a Living Lab, research partners test how agriculture can be practiced under photovoltaic modules
TOUCHDOWN 21 – participatory research on Down syndrome
People with and without Down syndrome investigate the cultural history of trisomy 21 together
Smart Country – model project in the Eifel region
Energy producers and farmers team up to make regional electricity networks climate-friendly
CoolFarmTool space – satellite technology for sustainable agriculture
In the future, an online platform will analyse satellite data so that farmers can cultivate their fields more sustainably
Farid’s QualiFighting – learning through boxing
Via fun in boxing, a social project is helping children to improve their performances at school
MIA - Girls Engineering Academy Gifhorn
A foundation enables female pupils to build their own greenhouses and thus teaches them engineering skills
ABIDA – interdisciplinary big data research
Scientists from different disciplines test the effects of Big Data together with citizens
Welcome Integration Network (WIN) service centre – alliance for employment
Alliance partners have established a service centre that supports companies' integration of refugees
DBT laboratory – laboratory for digital education & training media
A laboratory enables schools and universities to test mixed reality training environments
Industry 4.0 – competence centre for intelligent automation
The first German science-to-business centre for industrial automation pushes ahead Industry 4.0
New Neighbours Arnsberg initiative
Refugees help other refugees get a foothold in their new surroundings
You can do it too – online course for volunteer German teachers
In an online course, volunteers learn how to teach refugees German
Jänschwalde – greening of open-cast mine areas
Along with local farmers, a company greens former coalmines with plants from the region
Aqua solar village – energy self-sufficient living on water
Researchers test energy-saving living on water
HuT learning workshop – handicrafts and technology for refugees
Retirees teach refugees handicrafts skills and prepare them for professional life
CORRECTIV – research for social education
A research centre makes socially relevant information available to everyone for free