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Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas

  • E-ifel mobil – e-carsharing in the country

    Flexible driving and climate protection – citizens in the country share an e-car and Pedelecs

  • ZukunftsDORF Legden

    Young and old work together to develop solutions for an aging society in rural regions

  • Children's opera in the Hürth area

    In workshops and opera performances, pupils who live in villages delve into the world of music theatre

  • Taking new paths together – residential districts geared to citizens' wishes

    A rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishesA rural community develops a residential district catering to different generations in accordance with residents’ wishes

  • Joie de vivre – network for dementia patients

    A network of professionals and volunteers enables people with dementia to lead autonomous lives in the country

  • “Wheelchair hiking in Baden-Württemberg” Internet portal

    An Internet platform helps wheelchair occupants explore rural areas

  • “Taste of Home” online portal

    An online platform enables consumers to find the best food offers in the region

  • Kulturrockt – summer festival in a horse stable

    With music, theatre, readings, and visual arts, a horse stable in the country becomes a stage for renowned artists

  • “entersocial” regional development programme

    An agency helps committed people to make advancements in their village

  • Dental house call service in Uckermark

    With a mobile office, a team of dentists treats the elderly and people in need of care in their homes

  • SWW network: job perspectives for the Lower Weser region

    An association has created a network of schools, companies, and businesses, thus promoting the next generation of specialists in the region

  • Machining training centre - careers in the country

    An implant manufacturer establishes its own machining technology training centre in the country

  • International campaign to bring skilled workers to rural regions

    A company attracts foreign staff with a welcoming attitude and by showing appealing sides of rural life

  • Promotion of broadband systems in Baden-Württemberg

    A private foundation helps citizens and municipalities in the country set up broadband connections

  • Electric citizens' cars in Oberreichenbach

    Electric cars with volunteer drivers supplements the public transport offer of a rural community

  • An artists' village as power plant

    Artists are developing aesthetic models for energy production that are fuelling debate about green electricity in the country

  • “Culture against abandoned buildings“ in Zittau

    From plays to a film festival: an association revives abandoned buildings in the country with creative ideas

  • “Cultivation of Peat Moss” research project

    Researchers are obtaining substrates for gardening from moss in an attempt to create a new branch of agriculture

  • EGON – business start-up offensive in Niedereschach

    With a volunteer mentoring program, a municipality supports start-ups, thus promoting the local economy

  • Country youth Klimawald Schleswig-Holstein

    Young people collect donations to plant a new forest area in the country
