Winnerslist Landmarks in the land of ideas
Online platform
An online portal enables Rwandan enterpreneurs to network with experts from across the globe
Open Power System Data (OPSD) – open platform for energy data
An open science portal gives researchers access to energy data collected Europe-wide for the first time
Windcloud - the green research centre
A research centre obtains electricity for the first time directly from the region's regenerative energies
Future Work Lab – innovation laboratory for work, people, and technology
In a model factory companies and their employees can experience future industrial work today
CodeDoor programming training
A social start-up trains refugees on a voluntary basis to become programmers and recommends them to companies
Educational professionals – qualification for people with disabilities
An institute trains people with disabilities to become educational specialists
A municipal administration has successfully established a new form of citizen participation
Freshness index - a shelf-life indicator for food
A freshness index calculates the real shelf life of foods so they don't end up in the garbage
Digital Operation Microscope VITOM 3D
A stereo operation microscope facilitates microsurgical procedures by enabling joint views of a 3D monitor
OpenDataCity – Agentur für Datenjournalismus
An agency visualizes online data, thus giving every user free access to complex topics
University Hospital Saarland – cross-generational palliative ward
On a palliative ward an interdisciplinary team looks after terminally ill children and adults
Integrativer Ort BauDENKMAL! Project
Refugees actively participate in the restoration of monuments in Saxony-Anhalt
Virtual reality platform Cross Connected
A virtual reality platform enables industry to speed up the development of products and production lines
Helping helpers: Humanitarian Logistics Organisation
An association helps non-profit organisations in the transport of humanitarian cargo
Medical containers for refugees
A video interpreting service improves understanding between doctors and patients in mobile offices
RefLinx – software for knowledge management
A start-up is developing cloud-based software that makes academic work easier
Virtual reality app for biology class
Thanks to a virtual reality app, complex topics can be taught to pupils innovatively and graphically
aponix – vertical plant container
A vertical plant container enables vegetables to grow in narrow confines up to the sky
Mobile photovoltaic power plant solartainer
With compact solar power plants a social enterprise is providing entire villages in Africa with clean energy
OSTEOLABS – research initiative for osteporosis treatment
Physicians and oceanographers have joined forces to a develop a new method of recognising osteoporosis at an early stage